I recommend these people.

- Growing children and athletes

- Children who are growing up and children who are tired of studying

- Mothers who need good nutrition before and after childbirth

- Parents who have not always had energy in their old age

- To the respected person who wishes for good health

- Those who want to manage their health after middle age

- Connective tissue collagen (collage type) such as bone, cartilage, skin, and tendon

- Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis (glycosaminoglycans)

- Heart attack, memory loss, arthritis, skin diseases, gallstones, prevention of neurological disorders, treatment lecithin

- Acidic polysaccharide with aroma ulcer action

- Maintaining and regenerating articular cartilage Glucosamine

- Blood pressure lowering action Anti-aging effect Phospholipids

- Child growth and development IGF-1 (IGF-1)

- Growth polyamines in mammalian cells involved in DNA metabolism

- Prostaglandins that promote contraction of uterine smooth muscle during labor or menstruation

-Anti-complement active proteoglycan of the joint elastic immune system

- Gangliosides that promote memory and learning skills